Origin & Mission
"I Am The Captain Of My Own Story"
My name is Jack Timperley. I was born with a rare genetic condition called Fanconi Anemia. At the age of 3, I received a bone marrow transplant from the life-saving stem cells of an unrelated donor. I was given a second chance at life. Today, I help those undergoing what I and my family went through while educating communities and advocating for those who no longer can. I may not fight crime or have big arms, but I’m always fighting for life and encouraging others to save lives. I am...Captain Marrow!
My mission is to give hope and guidance to patients and families undergoing blood-related medical procedures, and partner with nonprofit organizations, schools, businesses, and families to recruit donor registrants, fundraise, and educate communities about blood-related illnesses through advocacy and first-person superhero narratives.

As seen on
ABC 7 Chicago
Explore the Collection
Get your comic books, apparel, and more!
Virtual Hospital Visits
1 hr
25 US dollars

Events & Appearances
Public speaking, advocacy, and appearance services available to businesses, hospitals, non-profit organizations, families, and more! Appearance requests will be accepted on a case-by-case basis depending on location and timing. Small Business, Corporate, Nonprofit and individual sponsorships available. Captain Marrow reserves the right to solicit products and services at all appearances. Organizer/sponsor pays travel expenses, when applicable, as determined by location and timing. Captain Marrow will be fully-costumed at all appearances unless otherwise determined.
Suitable for non-profit organizations dedicated to diseases that cause bone marrow failure, or blood donation conferences.
Donor Drives
For events dedicated to recruiting donors of bone marrow, blood, organs, and more.
Comic Cons
Are you a vender/exhibiter at a comic convention? Need a hero to promote your brand/cause and draw crowds? Let's work together!
Whether you serve K-12 students or college students, I'll come to your school and help you raise awareness for bone marrow diseases and blood donations.
For families and non-profit organizations raising funds for blood or disease-related non-profit organizations.
Public Policy
Partner with Captain Marrow to raise awareness and advocate on behalf of your cause at the local, state, or national level..
I Want You to Join the Bone Marrow Registry!

Be a hero and save a life by donating a sample of your bone marrow through the national bone marrow donor registry. Once you are registered, you will be mailed a check swab kit by Be The Match to complete and return. You will then be added to the registry! More info can be found by scanning the QR code or clicking the link below. You may also text 'CaptainMarrow' to 61474 to join.